Erachi pola or Masala bread pola

Today I am posting Erachi pola or masala bread pola (pan cake). We can select chicken, beef or mutton in the ingredients. There are so many different versions of this. We can prepare this either mixing chicken masala with bread batter or separately as I prepared here. Erachi pola is an authentic Thalassery snack and this Ramadan try out this delicious snack. മലയാà´³ം à´ªാà´šà´• à´•ുà´±ിà´ª്à´ª് à´¤ാà´´െ à´•ൊà´Ÿുà´¤്à´¤ിà´°ിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്à´¨ു. 

Let us look the Ingredients For Erachi pola

6 table spoon (or more if you need more meat) cooked boneless chicken pieces

Finely chopped onions 2 nos.

1 table spoon finely chopped ginger and garlic

1 table spoon chopped green chili

Pinch of turmeric powder Half table spoon chili powder

kaal table spoon garam masala

Salt as per your requirement
Coriander leaves or curry leaves

One and half table spoon oil  

Let us now look for preparing batter

4 bread slices 3 eggs

1 cup milk

quarter tsp chili powder/ pepper powder

1 tsp ghee or oil

Let us start cooking the meat pan cake

let us Add oil in a pan, then saute onion till it turns transparent

Then add ginger, garlic and green chili

Saute this for 2 to 3 minute

then Add cooked chicken pieces (take two chicken breast pieces or any boneless piece, add salt and half tsp chili powder. Cook by adding a little bit of water)

now Add chili powder, turmeric powder, garam masala and salt

Saute well and add 2 tsp of water to make sure all masala coated well.

Finally, add coriander leaves or curry leaves. Mix well turn off the flame and allow to cool.

Now prepare the batter

Beat eggs in a bowl and add half cup of milk. Mix well, soak bread pieces in this mixture. Once bread pieces soaked well add remaining milk. Add quarter tsp chili powder in 1 tsp milk, mix well then pour it into bread mix. Add pinch of salt.

Heat 1 tsp of ghee or oil in a deep pan.

now Add mukkaal part of bread mixture into the pan

Close the lid and cook on low flame for 5 minutes

Then spread prepared chicken mixture in to the pan and press well

pour the remaining bread mixture on the top of chicken mixture close the lid and cook for 15 minutes  in low flame or till sides turn golden brown

now put Upside down this into a hot pan and keep on low flame for 3 minutes

Turn off the flame and eat along with hot tea.

Recipe in Malayalam 

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